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Women Empowerment Crusader, Indian Intellectual and Social Reformer Mayaa SH speaks on Empowerment, Tenets of Democracy and Nation Building…

Women Empowerment Crusader, Indian Intellectual and Social Reformer Mayaa SH speaks on Empowerment, Tenets of Democracy and Nation Building…

How do you think Women Empowerment can contribute to nation building ?

Mayaa SH: Empowering women through better access to credit can contribute to social development. When women are economically empowered, they can more fully participate in decision-making processes, which can help create more inclusive and equitable societies.A strong woman is one who is strong and courageous. They don’t let their fears and doubts about themselves come in the way of achieving their goals. Empowered women have a precise idea of ​​what they want to do with their lives, which means they are less likely to be satisfied with an average life.In the contemporary world, we see that there is a lot of competition even within limited rooms, but unfortunately many of our women are lagging behind and the reason for this is our ignorant behavior towards the said thing that is “women empowerment” . Some basic principles of women empowerment are as one must endeavour to make them self-reliant The most effective step for women empowerment is to make women economically self-reliant i.e. to provide them economic independence. Lack of education also keeps women dependent.The most effective solution for women empowerment is to provide them economic strength. When they become financially independent, they will be able to express their views without compulsion. Now women are not confined only to the four walls, but they are also aware of the activities happening outside.Giving women the constitutional right to vote is one thing, but the actual impact of increasing power and influence in politics and society is a completely different matter. The framers of our Constitution had the wisdom and foresight to understand that political equality between men and women. Without it, we cannot claim ourselves to be a true representative democracy. That is why equality before law was provided to both genders in the Constitution.The task of nation building is a difficult task and a complex process. This includes women as well as men. Many studies show that women’s political participation brings concrete benefits to democratic governance, including greater responsiveness to the needs of citizens.Women are also often the strongest voices for peace and non violence. Women’s leadership and conflict resolution styles epitomize democratic ideals and they work in a less hierarchical, more participative and more collaborative manner than their male colleagues. Thus, the contribution of women is important in building a strong and vibrant nation. We can ignore it at our peril.

What are the essential tenets of a truly Democratic society ?

Mayaa SH : Democratic principles are reflected in all eligible citizens being equal before the law and having equal access to legislative processes.Social morality is created through interaction and such interaction is based on the mutual recognition of human beings. Yet such interaction is not possible under the rigid system of caste and religion as no one can accept another person as a respectable human being because of his or her religion or caste background. Social morality is based on the belief of equality and respect among human beings.Democratic socialism is a political ideology that advocates social ownership of the means of production along with political democracy, with an emphasis on democratic management in a socialist economic system.Parliamentary democracy creates a passion for freedom,freedom to express thoughts and opinions, freedom to lead a dignified life, freedom to do work that has value. Political, Social and Economic Equality are different aspects of  democracy.Democracy improves the quality of decision making. Democracy allows citizens and the government to make informed decisions for the welfare of the country and to correct their mistakes. Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens. Equality is also maintained in law and administration. Everyone should be treated equally and there should be no discrimination on the basis of class, caste, gender, race etc.

What according to you is the basic ideology of building a strong nation?

Mayaa SH : The process of nation-building comes under the ideology of a society of people with different origins, history, language, culture and religion, a sovereign state with a constitutional and legal system, a national public education system, a united national economy.Nation-building is the creation or structuring of national identity using the power of the state. The purpose of nation-building is to unite people within the state so that it remains politically stable and viable in the long run.The right to equality should be above religion and caste. Providing equal opportunities for development to every person should be the first and last moral responsibility of any society.There should be a genuine social democracy based on the principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. A powerful nation is solidified on the above principles with the help of national unity. People who are divided into thousands of castes should be integrated into mainstream political and social structure of a single nation notion .Majority rule should not perpetuate the present situation of hereditary bondage on the untouchables and there should be a mass movement for the abolition of untouchability. A majority government should create equality of citizenship by guaranteeing fundamental rights through the Constitution. Secondly, it must provide that along with the declaration of rights, there should also be a provision for remedies. They should become not just pious declarations and lofty ideals but realities of everyday life.

Which is your favourite book on Indian Democracy?

Mayaa SH :

We, The Children Of India by

Leila Seth,

The Preamble to our Constitution

(Illustrated by Bindia Thapar)

Former Chief Justice Leila Seth was the first woman judge of the Delhi High Court and the first women to be Chief Justice of a state in India. She has made the words of the Preamble to the Constitution reach the hearts of millions of Indians across the globe through the medium of this book. The book also includes rare photographs from history, such as when Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, signed the constitution after freedom. It aims to familiarise even children  with the Preamble, by introducing them to its values early in life. An internationally acclaimed personality Former Chief Justice Leila Seth added to extend the emphasis on the fact  that the Indian children aren’t exposed to a universal value system, which is where the Constitution steps in.The Preamble is one long sentence that gives you the essence of the Constitution, which if learnt will make them better equipped for tomorrow.

About The Author

Mayaa SH also known as Mayaa Devi, Mayaa Tai, Mayaa Di, Mayaa Audio SH, Pushpa ‘The Fire’ , Padma Of The East, Lady Robin Hood, Female Karl Marx, MS Dhoni Of Writing , Female Chulbul Pandey and Lady Gandhi is a known name in Contemporary Literature .She is a Multi-National and State Award Winner, a ten times a World Record Holder, An Artist, a Podcaster,  a Record Chart Topping International Fastest Anthology Co-Authoress and has been chosen as number 1 The Modern Literary Stars Of India, 2022 by Cherry Book Awards for making valuable contribution to Contemporary Indian Literature. Mayaa SH is as an Indian authoress, writer ,thinker, essayist, and a women empowerment culturist who has had a deep influence on the ideological theories and practices of the women’s ideology of self belief and motivation in life .She has turned her attention to allow women to think through their lives and the  impact on domestic life, personal grief, and trauma. Most of her books have highlighted on the importance of self belief of people and how women specifically are shaped by their education and the power of their strong value system in life. Her contemporary prose work has highlighted onto break so many stereotypes about women and their power of self belief. Mayaa SH’s literary contributions have touched upon many issues and daily challenges of women. Although women are increasingly penetrating important political institutions and challenging existing understandings of gender roles, the path to gender equality in the world will be long and arduous. She has Won In Memorable Performance in the category termed as ‘Other than English write ups “ for her appreciation of hard work , creativity and dedication in Grand Christmas Competition 2.0 which has been a world record event of the largest creative event hosted online with more than 1000+participants. Mayaa SH a gender equality exponent to position and contextualize her work within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. She has depicted gender inclusivity and equality through her certifications from the United Nations and powerful writings on Feminism, Gender Equality,  Transforming Vision Into Action: Transmogrification on Transgender Community and Mental Health Awareness Topics. Her work depicts the identity, economic and social freedom of many .She has co-authored more than hundred and fifty plus anthologies with nine solo books and has been aligned with more than 85 publication houses. She has been featured in several magazines and women oriented like Tejaswi – The Imperishable on Women Power and Honor including few international magazines. Her first poem “The Candle In The Wind” made her win an Award at the National Level. She navigates many women through stress by deploying talking as a medium to combat stress and fear. She is an expert in suicide prevention and women motivation.Her self help books have helped many people gain perspectives to rebuild their lives and start afresh .



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